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Emily Hogarth interview

We were delighted to chat with the princess of paper cutting, Emily Hogarth, last month and you can read our article on the author of The Crafter’s Guide to Papercutting when PaperCrafter issue 60 hits the newsstands on 28th March.

Emily Hogarth interview

We must admit, we had so much to talk about that we couldn’t possibly fit it all in the magazine itself! So, for your reading pleasure, here’s a taster of what else Emily had to say…

PaperCrafter: How did you come to produce the The Crafter’s Guide to Papercutting?

Emily: I was approached by Quarto Publishing and asked if creating a paper cutting book was something I had ever considered and would I be interested. I had done some paper cutting workshops before but not written much so it was a bit daunting but I do love a challenge so I said yes!

PaperCrafter: Was it difficult translating your designs into instructions?

Emily: It took a bit of time for me to figure out the best way to describe what it is I do naturally and to de-construct my own designs. However, in doing so I think I learned a lot about how I design so it was educational in the end.

PaperCrafter: Did you enjoy putting the book together?

Emily: Yes – it was a lot of work but I loved it. It was great to work with the team at Quarto who were so helpful and fun! This made the whole experience all the more wonderful.

Get a taste of The Crafter’s Guide to Papercutting with Emily’s paper-cut cupcake decorations in PaperCrafter issue 60, on sale 28th March

PaperCrafter: What’s your favorite make from the book?

Emily: Hmm, hard one. I think my favorite might be the bird mobile. It is always nice to see your paper-cut designs flying around a room.

PaperCrafter: Why do you think your style has captured people’s imaginations? And how do you keep your designs fresh and adapt them across different mediums (textiles, prints, paper-cuts, etc)?

Emily: I have always been delighted that people love my style. In many ways I find it a virtuous circle because I love that my style is appreciated and therefore I allow my imagination free rein to continue creating new designs. Keeping designs fresh is always difficult. I think you have to want to create something beautiful and not be afraid to experiment. Indeed, it was this approach that brought me to discover paper cutting in the first place.

Emily Hogarth’s mood board Image from The Crafter’s Guide to Papercutting

PaperCrafter: How do you approach an illustration or commission?

Emily: Ponder for quite some time and then create a very rough sketch – no detail, just blocking in shapes. If I am creating a commission then there will be certain things I have to include so I make a list and at this stage will make sure I have allocated space for all the elements. Then I just start cutting – sometimes I sketch as I go; sometimes I just cut. It depends on the job in hand. I wouldn’t ever be able to show a client the final artwork until it is complete as I do create most of it as I go. This keeps it looking more organic.

PaperCrafter: What’s your must-have essential crafty equipment?

Emily: Scotch tape, scalpel and scalpel blades and Paper Mate pencils. Without these three things, I am at a loss.

PaperCrafter: What advice would you give to someone trying paper cutting for the first time?

Emily: Don’t be scared. You don’t have anything to lose. And don’t worry about it not being perfect in the beginning – as with most things in life, practice makes perfect.

Read out more about Emily Hogarth in PaperCrafter issue 60, on sale Friday 28th March!

In the meantime, visit Emily’s website at or ‘Like’ her Facebook page

The Crafter’s Guide to Papercutting is out now. Buy it at

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