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Birthday Candle Wreath

Birthday crafting How to Papercraft Papercrafter Techniques Projects

Birthday Candle Wreath

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1. Cut several 3cm x 5cm pieces of patterned paper and wrap around a 5-6mm knitting needle to make lots of 5cm long tubes. Cut yellow paper into 2cm strips, and cut each one in half diagonally lengthways to make tapered pieces.

2. Use a quilling tool to curl the paper into a flame shape and secure. Glue a cocktail stick into the base of the flame and glue the other end inside a paper tube to create a candle.

3. Cut a 10cm diameter scallop-edged circle of card and glue the candles to this so they radiate from the centre. Add layered scallop-edged circles at the centre and over the ends of the candles. Place a stamped greeting in the middle.

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